
611 N Main St, Moorefield, 26836

MLS Number: Wvhd2001956
Standard Status: Active
LOCATION, VISIBILITY and ACCESSIBILITY! This lot is prime if you are looking to expand your business or start a new venture. It is a corner lot located at the intersection of Main St. and Spring Ave with a stop light making it easily accessible and only .4 a mile from Corridor H, a 4 lane highway that crosses some of the most beautiful areas of the Appalachia. Moorefield is an exit off of Corridor H and once complete the highway will connect I-81 to I-79 in Weston, WV. To date, 113 miles of Corridor H is open to traffic and Moorefield's location along this highway has prompted massive growth in the area with various industries coming in, new businesses opening, tourists frequenting the area and more employment opportunities. There is a major retail chain, dining, grocery store, a movie theater, bowling and a theatre. Tourists on their way to kayak, fish or hike trails in Seneca Rocks or other outdoor recreational hotspots enjoy driving or walking downtown Main Street because it still boasts that small town charm despite the rapid growth. Since 2022 Moorefield has seen a growth rate above 60% each year and the growth rate for each year through 2029 is projected to remain above 60%. The level corner lot has ample space for building and parking with .63 acre. Now is the best time to buy into this booming small town USA! Moorefield is only a 2 hour commute to Dulles International Airport and Washington DC.

Contact Mike McCarthy

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Year Built
New Construction
Property Type
Commercial Sale

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